FREE 3 Days Inner Alchemy Journey

I am delighted you are here. We are preparing for this beautiful journey starting

19th July

Join us for 3 days (can be done around your daily routines at a time that’s good for you) of diving into divine feminine archetypes, the energies of







The divine feminine archetypes are part of the collective unconscious which holds ancestral memories. These memories, the archetypes, are present across cultures and give us a great insight into the psyche of the human race.

We all are a unique mixture of these archetypes that bring different energies at different times and affect how we present ourselves to the world and how the world sees us.

Feeling into which archetype resonates with you at any one time gives you a way of understanding your psyche, what your gifts are and how you can move through healing to access and actively use them in your life.

Through awareness and going within we 

💫 open our hearts
💫 open our minds
💫 create beautiful inner alchemy
💫 bring through our true selves

Gift yourself time and space to go within and tap into your inner wisdom and magic, so you can brightly shine these into the world. Your light and love is needed dear one.

Hear the call.

It is time. 


What to expect daily:

  • video
  • audio 
  • workheet
  • ask me anything – live in the group 

You can dedicate as much time as you wish each day but for the busy women out there I hear you.

Put aside 30 mins daily as a minimum.

Make yourself a priority.

Book that time with yourself. Put it in your diary, tell your family you are taking that time for yourself.  

Bonus day 22nd July

Celebrate Mary Magdalene Feast Day with a live women circle 9pm over Zoom

Bonus Divine Feminine archetype materials on day 4 of the journey.

 Did I mention this is FREE? 

Register for the 3 days of inner awareness and alchemy journey.


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